Just to create the best lamps.

How about sales of TV Lift Mechanism under KINBAY?
No exact figures could be offered here. A reliable partnership may make it possible to unveil such information. We market TV Lift Mechanism in both domestic and international markets. Our sales have been increasing year by year. This enables us to be more competitive in the market.
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Since the establishment, Guangzhou Kinbay Co., Ltd. has been providing quality tilt tv bracket and we are constantly improving our manufacturing capacities to provide better products. KINBAY Tv Mount's main products include tv mounts for sale series. Reliability is one of its obvious advantages. High-performance electrical components and electrical protection systems help prevent accidents. It makes low noise when being adjusted. The product is a superior quality, reliable, complete reverse osmosis drinking water purification system, which is intended for commercial applications. It comes with various kinds of sizes conforming to the VESA standard.
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Excellence comes from our professionalism in the tv lift mechanism industry.

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