Just to create the best lamps.

Is there instruction manual for tv holder ?
The instruction manual for tv holder is given by Guangzhou Kinbay Co., Ltd.. Packing a carefully-compiled and well-printed manual with detailed descriptions about the use, installation, and maintenance methods along with the product, we aim to provide customers with a satisfying experience. On the first page of the manual, step-by-step sum-up regarding installation, use, and maintenance is clearly shown in English. Furthermore, there are some exquisitely-printed pictures displaying every part of the product in detail. You can also ask our staff for the Electronic version of the manual and they will send it through e-mail.
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KINBAY Tv Mount is an enthusiastic manufacturer specializes in producing tv lift mount featuring high-quality standards. We have accumulated years of production experience. The tv cart on wheels is one of the main products of KINBAY Tv Mount. The product shines with its full light output almost instantly after switching it on. It also can be switched on and off continuously without shortening its lifespan. With a built-in wire control design, it can solve the messy wiring problem. When I experience this product, the first thing I think about is safety. Then these considerations fade away as I jump into the water, it is amazing! - Comment from one visitor. It is characterized by good heat dissipation.
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We use our global scale and focus where we can make the biggest difference: sustainable manufacturing and reducing the environmental footprint of our operations.

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