Just to create the best lamps.

What about the minimum order quantity of 360 degree rotating tv stand in KINBAY Tv Mount?
It depends. When there are inventories of 360 degree rotating tv stand, the minimum order quantity could be lower than the normal setting. Otherwise, the figure may be as high as we set on the official website. However, this is negotiable within a certain range. What you should do is to contact us, let us know your demand and your requirements, and get what your quote and minimum order quantity. We would make every effort to satisfy you and to achieve a win-win between us.
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Guangzhou Kinbay Co., Ltd. has been the preferred choice for many purchasers in the markets. We are known for competence in the R&D and production of heavy duty folding shelf bracket. The tilting tv wall mount series is one of the main products of KINBAY Tv Mount. The product complies with ergonomics. There is an arch support structure which features good stability and has enough supporting capacity, enabling the product to offer protection to the foot. The product is very easy to lift and fold down. KINBAY Tv Mount offers the value proposition: low prices, great service and fast delivery. It is widely used in homes, offices, classrooms, etc.
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We always consider high customer satisfaction can help us succeed. We need to guarantee smooth communication between clients and our staff, and consistently attempt to give customers with excellent services and products that are sophisticatedly produced.

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